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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Racism In A Suit And Tie... And Flag Lapel Pin

Jean Genet Thinking Hard About Health Care
and Michel Foulcault's Naissance de la Clinique

As mentioned in my previous post
even though Mr. Trump speaks of a replacement for Obama Care that is universal, other Republicans realize that they cannot accomplish it.

In essence, Universal Care = Obama Care.

Thus, it cannot be universal for all the reasons of politics and religion and economy which can be found. It can't be universal because it just won't work, and anything that does work, like Mitt Romney's work in Massachusetts and the ACA which took many of its parts from Romney, will end up being Obama Care!

So... it won't be Universal. So what?

The "what" is actually a "who", and that is who is going to be left out. 

Why, the people that will be left out will be really, really, really poor (ouch!) and preferably dark-skinned.
After 8 years of President Obama, the masks begin to come down and the white elite breaths a sigh of relief. Now let the others put on their white masks and try to fit in.

It is cyclic:

Ivy Style
Medgar Evers’ Widow: Jim Crow Wears A Brooks Brothers Suit
June 13, 2013
The latest to invoke the unique set of connotations that hangs over the Brooks Brothers brand as is Myrlie Evers-Williams, legendary civil rights activist and widow of Medger Evers, who was assassinated 50 years ago Wednesday.

In an interview with Al Sharpton on PoliticsNation on the anniversary of the assassination, Evers-Williams said, “Jim Crow is alive, and it’s dressed in a Brooks Brothers suit, my friend, instead of a white robe.” The reference comes at 4:30 in the video above, and the quote served MSNBC as headline material for its recap of the interview. The remark was also tweeted many times on Twitter, though it’s impossible to say how those who retweeted it interpreted the comment. Needless to say, as race in America always is, it’s a complex issue.

Evers-Williams’ remark, linking a clothing brand to institutionalized racism, may be hard for younger people to understand. It feels unfair Brooks Brothers, which, like America, has changed with the times. During the ’70s and ’80s, its catalogs featured illustrations of idealized gentlemen, all white. Today, the company regularly features black models in clothing and settings once considered exclusive to white America...

And now we are off onto a different cycle of exclusion. The Republicans in their white heat haste to rid the country of the vestiges of the first African-American President have no compunction against displaying their hearts of darkness.


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